Functional class = alkyl
Functional group suffix = nitrile or -onitrile
Substituent prefix = cyano-
Notes :
- The cyano prefix is used in a very similar
manner to
- The cyano nomenclature is most common when
the alkyl group is simple.
- The nitrile suffix is used in a very similar
manner to
carboxylic acids.
Cyano substituent style:
- The root name is based
on the longest chain with the -C≡N as a substituent.
- This root give the alkane
part of the name.
- The chain is numbered
so as to give the -C≡N group the lowest possible locant number
Nitrile style:
- The root name is based
on the longest chain including the carbon of the nitrile group.
- This root give the alkyl
part of the name.
- Since the nitrile must
be at the end of the chain, it must be C1 and no locant needs to be specified.
- Nitriles can also be
named by replacing the -oic acid suffix of the corresponding carboxylic acid
with -onitrile.
Cyano substituent style:
- Functional group is an alkane, therefore suffix
= -ane
- The longest continuous chain is C3 therefore
root = prop
- The substituent is a -CN therefore prefix = cyano
- The first point of difference rule requires numbering
from the right as drawn,
the substituent locant is 1-
Nitrile style:
- Functional group is a -C≡N, therefore
suffix = -nitrile
- Hydrocarbon structure is an alkane therefore -ane
- The longest continuous chain is C4 therefore
root = but

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© M.EL-Fellah ,Chemistry
Department, Garyounis University