An alkyl halide is another name for a halogen-substituted alkane. The carbon atom, which is bonded to the halogen atom, has sp3 hybridized bonding orbitals and exhibits a tetrahedral shape. Due to electronegativity differences between the carbon and halogen atoms, the σ covalent bond between these atoms is polarized, with the carbon atom becoming slightly positive and the halogen atom partially negative. Halogen atoms increase in size and decrease in electronegativity going down the family in the periodic table. Therefore, the bond length between carbon and halogen becomes longer and less polar as the halogen atom changes from fluorine to iodine.


  • Carbon-halogen bonds are very substantially polar covalent, with carbon as the positive and halogen as the negative end of the dipole. Conosequently, the carbon attached to the halogen is electrophilic. We shall see in the next chapter how nucleophiles react at the carbon of an alkyl halide.
  • The carbon-fluorine bond is the strongest, especially since fluorine is the most electronegative of the halogens, resulting in a larger contribution of the polar (ionic) structure to the resonance hybrid. The larger contribution of the ionic structure not only makes the molecule more polar, it also makes the bond more stable because the ionic structure is lowered in energy. However, all of the C-X bonds are significantly polar.
  • The C-X bond dissociation energies (D), which you do not need to memorize, are C-F 108; C-Cl 85; C-Br 70; C-I 57 (these are for CH3-X bonds).


Alkyl halides are named using the IUPAC rules for alkanes. Naming the alkyl group attached to the halogen and adding the inorganic halide name for the halogen atom creates common names.

  • Essentially, the naming of alkyl halides is not different from the naming of alkanes. The halogen atoms are treated as substituents on the main chain, just as an alkyl group, and have no special priority over alkyl groups.
  • The name of a chlorine substituent is "chloro", that of a bromine substituent "bromo" and so on.
  • You sould practice naming a variety of haloalkanes.

    Alkyl halides may formally be derived from alkanes by exchanging hydrogen for a halogen atom (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine). Alkyl halides are classified into primary, secondary, and tertiary alkyl halides, according to the degree of substitution of the particular carbon atom that carries the halogen.

    Primary, secondary, and tertiary alkyl halides (X = F, Cl, Br, and I, respectively).

    Vinyl halides are often classified as the fourth type of alkyl halides.

    Different degrees of abstraction in the illustration of vinyl iodide's structure.

    In the most generally accepted nomenclature of alkyl halides the name of the alkyl residue is followed by the halide's name, such as is the case with "methyl iodide" and "ethyl chloride". In the IUPAC nomenclature of alkyl halides (depicted in brackets in the illustration below), an alkyl halide is considered to be a substituted alkane. That is, the name of the halogen is followed by the alkane's name, such as, for example, "iodomethane" and "chloromethane". If an alkyl halide contains more than one halogen, the halogen names are noted in alphabetical order, such as in "1-chloro-2-iodobutane".

    Examples of alkyl halide nomenclature.



Haloalkane style:

  • The root name is based on the longest chain containing the halogen.
  • This root give the alkane part of the name.
  • The type of halogen defines the halo prefix, e.g. chloro-
  • The chain is numbered so as to give the halogen the lowest possible number

Alkyl halide style:

  • The root name is based on the longest chain containing the halogen.
  • This root give the alkyl part of the name.
  • The type of halogen defines the halide suffix, e.g. chloride
  • The chain is numbered so as to give the halogen the lowest possible number.


Haloalkane style:

  • Functional group is an alkane, therefore suffix = -ane
  • The longest continuous chain is C3 therefore root = prop
  • The substituent is a chlorine, therefore prefix = chloro
  • The first point of difference rule requires numbering from the right as drawn, the substituent locant is 1-



Alkyl halide style:

  • The alkyl group is C4, it's a tert-butyl
  • The halogen is a bromine, therefore suffix = bromide

tert-butyl bromide

Haloalkane style:

  • Functional group is an alkane, therefore suffix = -ane
  • The longest continuous chain is C3 therefore root = prop
  • The substituent is a bromine, therefore prefix = bromo
  • There is a C1 substituent = methyl
  • The substituent locants are both 2-



Haloalkane style:

  • Functional group is an alkene, therefore suffix = -ene
  • The longest continuous chain is C4 therefore root = but
  • The substituent is a bromine, therefore prefix = bromo
  • Since bromine is named as a substituent, the alkene gets priority
  • The first point of difference rule requires numbering from the left as drawn to make the alkene group locant 1-
  • Therefore the bromine locant 4-




Physical properties

The physical properties of alkyl halides differ considerably from that of the corresponding alkanes. The strength and length of the carbon-halogen bond and the dipole moments and boling points of alkyl halides are determined by the bond's polarity, as well as the size of the various halogen atoms:

§  The C-X bond strength decreases with an increase in the size of the halogen (X), because the size of the halogen's p orbital increases, as well. Thus, the p orbital becomes hazier, and the overlap with the carbon's orbital deteriorates. As a result, the C-X bond is weakend and elongated.

Bond lenghts, dipole moments, and dissociation energies of methyl halidies ( CH3X)


Methyl halide (halomethan) 

Bond length (pm) 





Dipole moment (D) 





Dissociation energy (kj/mol) 






§  Halogens (F, Cl, and Br) are comparably more electronegative than carbon is. Consequently, carbon atoms that carry halogens are partially positively charged while the halogen is partially negatively charged. The polarity of the C-X bond causes a measureable dipole moment. As a result of the partial positive charge, the carbon atom displays an electrophilic character. The chemical behaviour of alkyl halides is mainly determined by the carbon's electrophilicity.



                         Polar character of a C-X bond                      Dipole-dipole interaction in alky halides

§  The boiling points of alkyl halides are considerably higher than that of the corresponding alkanes. The main reason for this is the dipole moment of alkyl halides, which leads to attractive dipole-dipole interactions in liquid alkyl halides. Furthermore, the higher molar mass and the stronger London forces (Cl, Br, and I) lead to higher boiling points. The main reason of the stronger London forces between alkyl halides is the fact that the electron shell of halogens is larger than that of hydrogen and carbon. In larger electron shells, the electrons are not as strongly attracted by the nucleus as in small electron shells. Consequently, the interactions between the electron shells of larger atoms are stronge

               Boiling points of alkanes (X = H) and alkyl halides (X = F, Cl, Br, I) (in °C).


  • The alkyl halide functional group consists of an sp3 hybridised C atom bonded to a halogen, X, via a σ bond.
  • The carbon halogen bonds are typically quite polar due to the electronegativity and polarisability of the halogen.


  • The halogens (Cl, Br and I) are good leaving groups.
  • The polarity makes the C atom electrophilic and prone to attack by nucleophiles via SN1 or SN2 reactions.
  • Bases can remove β-hydrogens and cause 1,2-elimination to form alkenes via E1 or E2 reactions.
  • Insertion of a metal (esp. Mg) creates an organometalic species.




Alkyl halides may be synthesized by addition, as well as by substitution reactions:

§  Addition of a hydrogen halide  HX ( HX= HCl, HBr or HI) to an alkene yields the corresponding monohalogenated alkene (Markovnikv addition). The addition of bromine and chlorine to alkenes results in the corresponding vicinal alykl dihalides.

Electrophilic addition of hydrogen halides and halogens to 1-methylcyclopentene.

§  The radical substitution of an alkane's hydrogen with bromine or chlorine is yet another method of synthesizing alkyl halides. However, the praticality of this method is limited, as mixtures of alkyl halides with varying degree of halogenation are obtained.


  • A very simple example of the halogenation of alkanes is the chlorination of methane, as shown in the illustration below. The products are HCl and chloromethane.


  • The REACTION TYPE is SUBSTITUTION, since a hydrogen of methane is replaced by a chlorine atom. The MECHANISTIC TYPE, as we will see, is Homolytic or Radical. The overall designation of the reaction, then, is SH (S WITH A SUBSCRIPT H).


  • Virtually any C-H bond in which the carbon atom is tetrahedrally hybridized can be chlorinated, so that chloromethane can be further converted to dichloromethane, and this on to trichloromethane (chloroform), and finally to tetrachloromethane (carbon tetrachloride). You may recognize these chlorinated compounds as common solvents, both in the laboratory and in commercial uses.


  • In the chlorination of alkanes more complex than methane or ethane, more than one monochloroalkane can be formed. We will refer to the preference for the formation of one constitutional isomer over the other as regiospecificity. For example, propane can be converted to both 1-chloropropane and 2-chloropropane. Actually, both are formed, but the 2-chloropropane is slightly, but only slightly, preferred. Thus, the reaction is not very stereooregiospecific.

Radical chlorination of methane.





Simplifying all this for exam purposes:


Initiation Step:




Propagation Step:


CH4  +  Br——>CH3  +  HBr



CH3  +  Br2——>CH3Br  +  Br


Termination Step:

4- 2Br——>Br2



CH3  +  Br——>CH3Br



CH3  +  CH3——>CH3CH3












Br  +  Br-Br——>Br-Br  +  Br




CH4  +  Br——>CH3  +  HBr



CH3  +  Br——>CH3Br



CH3  +  CH3——>CH3CH3



CH3  +  Br2——>CH3Br  +  Br


  • This is our first example of a reaction mechanism in which radicals are involved. The definition of a radical is any species which has an unpaired or odd electron. There are two radical species involved in this mechanism, the chlorine atom and the methyl radical. The naming of organic radicals is simple, it is essentially the name of the corresponding substituent with the name radical being appended to it.
  • The overall reaction is said to be a homolytic substitution reaction, as noted previously, because the bonds which are broken are broken homolytically, i.e., one electron departing with each component of the bond. In homolytic cleavages radicals are always formed, so the reaction mechanism can also be called radical substitution.
  • One specific way in which radical reactions can occur is by means of a radical chain reaction. It is important to keep in mind that not all radical reaction mechanisms are radical chain mechanisms. A radical chain mechanism is one in which a particular set or two or three steps is repeated over and over without the necessity of generating more radicals. This is seen in steps 2 and 3 of the mechanism above. The stage of the reaction which represents the chain is called the propagation cycle. It is so called because in it, the observed products (HCl and chloromethane) are propagated or made. An efficient set of progpagation reactions is essential to a successful radical chain mechanism.
  • Overall, this or any, radical chain mechanism consists of three discrete stages or parts. The first part is called initiation. In the initiation stage of the mechanism (step 1), the radicals which are necessary to enter the propagation cycle are generated. This typically involves the homolytic cleavage of a covalent bond, and so it requires energy. In this case, it is the Cl-Cl bond which is cleavaged homolytically.It is for this reason that the chlorination reaction requires the input of either heat or photochemical energy.
  • As noted above, the second stage or part of the radical chain mechanism is the propagation cycle. An efficient propagation cycle uses a relatively few radicals to generate a large amount of product. It is desirable that for each radical produced in the initiation reaction, hundreds or even thousands of product molecules be generated before the radical is destroyed.
  • The third and final stage of the radical chain mechanism is termination. Termination is the undesirable but unavoidable coupling between two radicals which destroys the chain carrying radicals and stops the current radical chain. It is thus the competitor of propagation. Because of this continuing consumption of radicals, initiation must continue to progressively generate more radicals. For a chain reaction to be effective, propagation by the radicals must be much more efficient than coupling between them.These coupling reactions are extrememly fast, because no bond is broken and one bond is formed. However, since the radical concentrations are extremely small, the probability of one radical meeting another is much less than for a radical to meet a molecule of chlorine or methane.


§  Nevertheless, a selective monohalogenation in allylic position may be achieved by applying N-bromosuccinimide (NBS). This method was introduced by Karl Ziegler in 1942.

Bromination of cyclohexene in allylic position.

§  A standard method of synthesizing alkyl halides is the treatment of alcohols with HCl, HBr or BI. The reaction is a nucleophilic substitution in which the alcohol's hydroxy group is exchanged for the halide ion. Hydroxide is a poor leaving group though it may be converted into the good leaving group water through protonation by a hydrogen halide. However, at moderate temperature, the reaction is practicable only with tertiary alcohols. A higher reaction temperature is required if the reaction ought to be carried out with primary or secondary alcohols. Otherwise, the reaction rate will be too low. In contrast, the reaction of tertiary alcohols with hydrogen halides is much more rapid. As a result, considerable conversion is obtained within a period of only a few minutes when pure HCl, or HBr is passed through the alcohol. However, the hydrogen halides in alkyl halides' syntheses are more frequently generated in situ by treating the halide ion with phosphoric or sulfuric acid.

Alkyl halide synthesis by treatment of alcohols with HX.


Chlorination of 1-methylcyclohexanol.

HBr and HI are usually used for the synthesis of alkyl bromides and iodides, respectively. However, PBr3 may also be applied. Aside from HCl, inorganic acid halides, such as thionyl chloride (SOCl2), phosphorus trichloride (PCl3), phosphorus pentachloride (PCl5), or phosphorus oxychloride (POCl3), are common chlorinating agents in alkyl chlorides' syntheses. If such chlorination agents are employed in the conversion of alcohols into alkyl halides, rearrangements are much less often the case than with HCl.

Halogenation of secondary alcohols by inorganic acid halides.